
Born in Asunción (Paraguay) in 1991, he studied composition with Mario Garuti at the Conservatory of Milan, also attending masterclasses and seminars held by Pierluigi Billone, Alberto Posadas, Salvatore Sciarrino, Helmut Lachenmann, Michael Maierhof and Fabien Lévy.

His compositions have been performed in important contemporary music festivals, such as the Impuls Festival in Graz (Austria), the concert season Out of the Ordinary of Konstanz (Germany), the Festival Milano Musica and Festival Mondi Sonori of Trento (Italy), the Trobada de Percussió in Pollença (Spain), the concert seasons of the Recoleta Cultural Centre (Argentina) and of the Núcleo de Música Nueva of Montevideo (Uruguay), the Festival MusicAhora in La Serena and the Festival de Música Contemporánea del Instituto de Musica UC in Santiago (Chile), as well as the Jornadas de Musica Nueva in Asunción (Paraguay) .

He received the Composition Prize of the Ibermúsicas Program twice (in the 2021 and 2022 editions) and a Special Mention in the National Music Award of the Paraguayan Senate in 2023.

As a pianist, he studied at the Conservatory of Rome and at the Conservatory of Milan, where he received both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Piano Performance, furthering his studies with Daniel Rivera. He performs regularly both as a soloist and as an accompanist, having appeared in important venues such as Vicenza’s Teatro Olimpico, the Santa Cecilia Hall of Rome’s Parco della Musica, the Puccini Hall of Milan’s Conservatoire, and Asunción’s City Theatre (where he debuted as a soloist with the Paraguayan Senate Orchestra in 2016), among others.

He regularly performs alongside the italian mezzosoprano Eleonora de Prez, obtaining the Italian Government’s National Prize for the Arts (in the Vocal Chamber Music category of the 2020 Edition), the First Prize of the “Seghizzi” Competition of Gorizia and the FIDAPA Prize of the “Elsa Respighi” Competition of Verona.

In 2022, he taught at the Conservatory of Pavia as a visiting professor. He has also given lectures and held workshops in institutions such as the National Conservatory of Paraguay and Asunción’s National University.